Dolphin on Earth changes…

“Fear and panic [may come to] those that do not understand the changes that must happen on this planet. Joy and upliftment for those that do. Many who will hear these words will understand that change, no matter how devastating in appearance, is in fact just that…an appearance…an illusion of what is really manifesting for the highest good of all. These changes are quite necessary in the evolutionary process.”

“To the wanderers we say, it is time to find your place. Decide who you are and where you want to be and then just be it. It matters not where or what that is, just know it and be, and then be grateful for it and all that comes to you. “

“Abundance will flow for those who live in the truth of who they are. Be grateful for even the smallest of gifts and that feeling will transcend any feelings of lack or less-than-ness. As one receives, one also must know that each has a unique gift to give the collective consciousness. We ask you for it now. Knowing who you are and being who you are meant to be is that gift.  Be it.  Now is the time to remember… Know thyself, express thyself, be thyself.”