Murray the Rabbit Answers Many Questions

(Murray’s person had me ask him some very important life changing questions for her…and we got some very importnat life changing answers…)


“[My person] is always looking for teachers, but what she doesn’t understand is that she herself is a teacher as well as a student…that is how it works.”


“All that she seeks is truly within her ‘self’.  She really need not ask elsewhere.  Those around her that she might call teachers are merely those that guide us back to our own hearts, where all the answers lie.  Others help us to see those things within ourselves that might need change in order to move forward…especially in our thinking, for the mind can play powerful tricks to keep us from the truth of who we are.”


“You ask ME for YOUR truth or purpose as you call it.  I am happy to guide you.  I have already been guiding you through the past few years when you were ready to listen and will continue to do so.  It is not for me to say what your purpose in life is, for it is all around you as you have created it.  It was not chosen FOR you when you came into this life, but is chosen BY you every day of this life.”


“The best advice I can give you is to search your heart for what truly makes it sing and then find a way to sing your song.  Sing it for you…your song is meant to bring YOU joy, not to please the joys of others.”


“There will be those who will tell you that you can’t sing your song, or may think your song is foolish and try to dissuade you from pursuing your song.  It is your choice whether to follow your heart.  You can believe those naysayers if you like…you do have that choice…but then you will always be searching without finding the joy of your true song.  Deep within, you already know what it is.”


“Past lives are of unimportance to me.  We have been together in other lifetimes, in similar situations where you have been the caregiver and reversed as well.  Which body suit we are wearing at the time is not the important thing.  What matters are our experiences together.  What we meant to each other and what we learned from each other.  Dwelling in past places is not productive from my point of view.  Being present and paying attention to where you are now is truly what matters.  It is the only way to get you where you are going.  The things that you have done in the past have helped to put you where you are now, whether physically or spiritually.”


(His person asked why she is so drawn to visiting New Mexico.)

“New Mexico is a magical place with a magical people.  The spiritual community is vast and varied, but is prominent.  Some of what your heart seeks is there and is a place of beginning new ideas.  However, it is a place of releasing old ideas as well, which can be disconcerting.   Do not forget this, for it will help you to embrace any emotional discomforts that may arise upon or after your journey.”


“My wisdom is always here for you…right here…just as energy is around you and in you all the time.”


“Look to your heart for your own wisdom and you will also find me there to guide you.”